Tuesday 4 November 2014

Learn from my pain!

Please note that this is just some friendly advice that I'm offering, something that I've learned from my own personal experience(s) :(

Now, have you ever been in a situation you hate? you can't even remember how you ended up in because you’re smart enough to make the right decisions for yourself... but still here you are trapped  *(insert your own uncomfortably unpleasant situation here)...Mine is excruciatingly  painful public excursions which I always get emotionally bullied into by my excessively extroverted brother.

Now what I learned is this.

That you, yes that poor pathetic creature rueing the fact that you got out of bed this morning, is entirely to blame for this mind numbingly awful  experience.
The best advice I can give is to take control of your own life! And I can hear you thinking aloud, “but I’m a grown ass adult Patrick, I make my own decisions.”
Just check next time you’re surrounded by your friends or another group of people. If you pay attention to what they are saying, you can actually notice how often people (even yourself) allow others to have control over your life to varying degrees.
-          The vegan friend making the rest of the group feel bad because they’re eating meat (The last time I checked, Kirtanya, I wasn't a sheep!)
-          Watching a rom-com movie, with a dull actress with an annoying voice and a penchant for pink, because your one friend can't handle scary movies! *Thank Pearl! **Sarcasm
Let’s face it you will live a very unhappy life if you don’t make things YOU like happen. Things that count in the long run.
If you actually want to do something of substance that will genuinely make you feel better about yourself and life in general, why don’t spend a day helping underprivileged kids do their homework?
Why not take part in an awesome community development program? (Fun tip: Gain the moral upper hand in your group of friends and make them feel bad for not doing something good)
Stop caring what other people think, if it makes you happy go out and do it (or in my case don’t do it) – “Bitches gona talk whether you doing bad or good”
And I’m not saying to go shave your head into a Mohawk and walk around in a purple cat suit ( you get those weirdoes) but in the end I think you would know what will make you happy… you are a grown ass adult after all ;)
So guys go out and go pave your way to greatness by doing something you love every step of the way.

Stay Awesome

1 comment:

  1. Love it Pat, this really hit home for me. I NEED to put myself and happiness first and everything else can come second place. Ive been holding on to a lot of things that have limited me totally and completely happy and content.

    Thanks for the advice Pat.
